This site uses cookies NOT profiling. Continuing navigation we accept the use of cookies by any third party. For further information please read the wide information.

Cookies Policy

What is a cookie?

The cookies are text files downloaded on the device while the user is browsing a website. Every time the user loads the website, the browser sends the cookies back to the original website (first party cookie) or to another web site which records them (third party cookie). Cookies have different purposes, such as browsing efficiently throughout a website, record the favourite sites and, in general, improving the surfing. They also make sure that commercial in the site is suitable for the user and his interest. Depending on their function, cookies can be divided into technical cookies, profiling cookies, third party cookies.

Technical cookies

Technical cookies do not require user acceptance. They are essential for the proper functioning of a website or application. Performance cookies belong to them, sometimes they can be called analytics cookies. They are used to remember information about the user in order to improve the efficiency of the site. For example performance cookies show the most visited sites, help to understand if the user has any difficult and show the efficacy of commercial published in the site.

Profiling cookies

These cookies are designed to collect and store information about a visitor to provide innovative and focused services. For this type of cookie, the Authority requires explicit user acceptance according to artt. from 15 to 20 of the GDPR UE N. 2016/679.
This website does not use profiling cookies.

Third party cookies

" Third-party " cookies are created by domains other than those indicated in the browser's address bar, that is, by organisations that are not the owners' of the website. Such cookies can be used also to collect information for advertising purposes, to customize content according to its frequency and to the user’s interest.
Cookies Policy third party sites:
- Google Analytics
- Google Maps
- You Tube

How to disable cookies from your browser

The processes for the cookies organization can be different, depending on the browser you use. If you would like to discover how to manage the settings, please see our guide.
We inform that the change of the settings will become effective just in the browser and pc you use. To do the same with other devices, it is necessary to repeat this operation with every browser used.

We reserve the right to vary this Privacy Policy from time to time – new rules can become law, other upgrades and new technologies can be set up – We invite therefore the visitor/the user to check this website regurarly.